
Overcoming Low Self-Esteem and Suicidal Thoughts: Finding Hope and Healing

What are low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts?

When you don’t feel good about yourself and question your value, you have low self-esteem. Suicidal thoughts are those in which you plot or provoke taking your own life. They are related because someone with poor self-esteem may feel so hopeless that they may consider suicide.  

What are low self-esteem!

When you don’t feel good about yourself and question your value, you have low self-esteem. Suicidal thoughts are those in which you plot or provoke taking your own life. They are related because someone with poor self-esteem may feel so hopeless that they may consider suicide.

Continuous self-criticism

People who struggle with low self-esteem frequently find themselves being too hard on themselves. They develop their negative self-image by concentrating on their weaknesses and flaws.

Feeling unacceptable or worthless

Feelings of shortcomings and worthlessness are common among people with low self-worth. They might feel unworthy of achievement or happiness, which would damage their confidence.

Difficulty in accepting compliments

People with low self-esteem may find it difficult to believe or accept genuine compliments or positive feedback. They could minimize their accomplishments or brush off praise since they don't think they deserve it.

Fear of rejection or failure

People with low self-esteem are prone to fearing rejection or failure. Because of the fear of judgment or rejection, they avoid taking risks or pursuing their goals. They may get stuck and unable to achieve their full potential as a result of this fear.

Negative self-talk

Negative self-talk is the habit of thinking and saying negatively to oneself regularly. Phrases like "I'm not good enough," "I always mess things up," or "I'm worthless" are examples of negative self-talk.

Avoidance of social situations

People with poor self-esteem tend to stay away from social interactions or groups due to fear of rejection or criticism. They worry unnecessarily about what other people think of them or may embarrass or criticise them.


People with poor self-esteem frequently show this tendency. They have incredibly high expectations of themselves and get upset when they don't live up to them. This never-ending desire for excellence can cause worry, anxiety, and self-doubt.

Symptoms of Suicidal Thoughts

Speaking of wishing to end one's life or commit suicide

One of the most important warning signs of suicidal thoughts is the expression of thoughts or intentions of self-harm or suicide, either directly or indirectly.

Feeling isolated or empty

People who think about suicide frequently feel extremely helpless and miserable. They might believe there is no way out of the situation they're in and their difficulties are impossible to resolve.

Increased use of alcohol and other drugs

Some people use alcohol and other drugs to reduce their feelings or cope with emotional distress. Increased drug use may indicate a person who is experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Withdrawing from social interactions

Individuals who are thinking about taking their own life may distance themselves from friends, family, and activities they used to participate in. They may feel disconnected from others and prefer to be alone with their thoughts.

Death obsession

People who are suicidal may be deeply caught up with dying, death, or the afterlife. They might have depressing conversations or explore suicidal techniques.

Sudden calmness after a period of depression

People who have been going through depression or other emotional issues occasionally show signs of unexpected serenity or tranquillity. This behaviour change can be frightening and could imply that they've decided to take their own life.


Suicidal thoughts and low self-esteem are usually treated with a mix of medication, therapy, and family support. Here are a few common methods:

Recall: Seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. Taking responsibility for your mental well-being is an essential first step toward recovery.

Support and Resources:

Even while asking for help can seem overwhelming, particularly if you’re experiencing suicidal thoughts and low self-esteem, keep in mind that there are a lot of tools and resources available to support you on your path to recovery. Here are some methods for getting access to useful tools and resources:

You Don't Have to Face Suicidal Thoughts and Low Self-esteem by Yourself

 Getting a secure and generous online mental health community can be incredibly beneficial. Making connections with people who are experiencing similar challenges can make you feel less alone and abandoned.

People can manage suicidal thoughts and low self-esteem with the support of a variety of options. Think about using tools like these:

Dealing with poor self-esteem and suicidal thoughts requires the help of mental health specialists. Think about getting in touch with:

Recall that asking for assistance is normal and that doing so is a brave step toward recovery. You are not alone in your challenges, and there are resources and people to support you throughout this difficult period.

What sets OSHRINK apart?

We treat the whole of you, not just the problem: Our specialists work with you to understand your individual needs and goals, then create a customized plan that addresses everything impacting your mental health.

Seeking help is a sign of strength: Asking for help can feel scary, but it's a brave step towards feeling better.

Free Consultation:

Take a deep breath and take the first step towards feeling hopeful again. OSHRINK offers a free consultation with a caring mental health professional. This is your chance to talk through your concerns, ask questions, and see if OSHRINK can help you feel happy and hopeful once more.

Life has challenges, but you don’t have to face them alone. Let’s talk about how we can help you manage your low self-esteem and suicidal thoughts. Click below to schedule your free consultation today.

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